Learn More about Dr. Cara Latham
Posted 07/26/2017 01:52PM

Merion Mercy Academy is pleased to announce that Dr. Cara Latham has accepted the position of Music Director, effective August 21, 2017. The responsibilities of MMA's Music Director include teaching music majors, participating in extracurricular work with singing and instrumental groups, and supervising other music teachers.

Dr. Latham holds a Bachelor's degree from Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, Master's degrees in Music (Yale University) and Music Teaching (Oberlin College Conservatory of Music), and a Doctorate in Musical Arts (Temple University.) She has taught voice, musical theater, and classes in music theory on the faculties of Yale School of Drama, University of Minnesota, West Chester University, and Agnes Irwin School. Dr. Latham is a trained singer, conductor, pianist, arranger, and teacher, and looks forward to leading an excellent and dynamic music program.

Dr. Latham is drawn to MMA's mission and welcomes the opportunity to "help others to grow in their faith, and to facilitate their worship and praise of God through music."

Since the founding of the school in 1884, the arts have played a significant role in the life of Merion Mercy.  As far back as the late 19th century, Merion Mercy was filled with musical activity. MMA has boasted a rich commitment to music for decades with a range of music-related activities, such as voice recitals, chamber music concerts, choral performances, and collaboration with poetry, dance, and theater classes and performances. Throughout the past 133 years, students, faculty, and alumnae have been adding to the score, building the school's reputation as one of the area's finest places to both study and perform.

This devotion to layered, artistic culture continues today. The sounds of music are alive and resounding –in the voices ringing at each Mass sung by the Liturgical Ensemble, in the Christmas spirit felt by everyone at Carol Night, in the harmonious sounds coming from the music room during an Ensemble practice. More than a third of students participate in at least one music offering, such as Merion Mercy Music Theater (MMMT), Glee Club, Ensemble, Handbells, A Cappella Group, and Chorale. 

Ongoing support from alumnae and parents bear witness to the impact that music offerings have had on generations of young women. "A successful music program continues to be one of MMA's strategic priorities," says Head of School Sister Barbara Buckley. "I am pleased to welcome Dr. Latham and look forward to working with her to both bolster and further enrich our dynamic program."